When God saves someone,
He ADOPTS them
into His family

– and into COUNTLESS blessings

Salvation Includes Adoption By God

Scripture reveals that all those whom God has adopted will live eternally with Him and enjoy His everlasting peace, joy, and glory. Though God is the one who chooses whom He adopts, you must still respond to His gift of salvation through Jesus Christ to receive His adoption.


  1. John 1:9-13
  2. Luke 11:1-13

Test Your Knowledge

Question: Why do we need to be adopted by God?
Answer: Because sinners are separated from Him
Question: What’s one way we know God is a loving father?
Answer: He disciplines us
Question: Why is it important that God disciplines us?
Answer: It shows that He loves and cares for us

Memorize for the Week

John 1:12 - But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.