God made
men and women
to each
fulfill distinct roles

God’s Design For Men and Women

God’s original design for men and women has been tainted by sin. Men sinfully neglect or hatefully abuse their authority, and women sinfully usurp that authority or disrespect their husbands. Men and women’s only hope to live as God intended is for them to repent from their sin and have faith in Christ alone.


  1. Genesis 2:15-23
  2. 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12
  3. Ephesians 5:22-23

Test Your Knowledge

Question: How did God create woman?
Answer: From one of Adam’s ribs
Question: Who is the leader in the home?
Answer: The husband
Question: How can men and women honor God in marriage?
Answer: By filling their respective roles

Memorize for the Week

Genesis 2:24 - Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh.