Adam & Eve
chose to DISOBEY

Man Sinned Against God

Adam believed a lie about God and chose to sin. This had terrible consequences, the worst of which was to break his relationship with God. Now all creation experiences death, decay, and ruin. Man cannot save himself. Only God can save, which is why Jesus Christ became a man, died on the cross for sinners, and rose again. Trust Him!


  1. Genesis 1:31-3:24

Test Your Knowledge

Question: What was creation like before sin?
Answer: Very good
Question: What happened when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit?
Answer: They died spiritually
Question: What were the results of Adam’s sin?
Answer: All creation was cursed

Memorize for the Week

Genesis 3:13 - Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”